All courses are based on 10 weeks sessions.

These classes are suitable for beginners of all ages and will include a brief introduction to CMC Tai Chi and how it may differ from other schools. Students will learn basic Tai Chi exercises and study the CMC Tai Chi 37 Forms.

CMC Tai Chi Foundation:

Emphasis will be on standing meditation, stretching, loosening and study of basic Tai Chi Principles and Philosophies.

CMC Tai Chi 37 forms - Part 1:

Emphasis will be on basic Tai Chi exercises, correct posture, breathing, balance, relaxation and study of the Tai Chi 37 Forms (1st to 15th movement)

CMC Tai Chi 37 forms - Part 2:

This is a continuation of the Tai Chi 37 Forms (16-37). Additional Tai Chi exercises will be learnt and there will be more emphasis on movement, internal energy development and circulation. 1st Grading.


These classes are for students who have completed the Tai Chi for Health and Wellbeing - Basic Levels.

Tai Chi Form Correction:

Students will develop the 37 forms to a higher level with continued form correction and different standing exercises (Tai Chi Zhan Zhuang) to improve posture and endurance. Intermediate Tai Chi skills such as Bear exercise, drilling on standalone form to master Tai Chi 13 Fundamental Postures. Further study the Tai Chi Principles and Philosophies. 2nd Grading.

Tai Chi Sensing Hands:

Students will be introduced to basic sensitivity training, sensing hands, and the concept of Neutralising and Uprooting. They will learn basic exercises to prepare them to train with a partner. This will be followed by basic sensing hands training as a standalone exercise or with a partner. 3rd Grading.


Upon completion of Developing Tai Chi Skills 1 & 2, ongoing students may choose to further study the following courses. Completion of each course will be a grading.